
The river

The river overcomes it’s own obstacles, rapids and waterfalls. The river will spill out into the ocean and the current will eventually bring it back. The river is a circular chain of events. Our lives flow in a circular motion and we are taken away by the distractions and pleasure of life. The river symbolizes the flow of life and the unity of the past, present, and future. It flows eternally, time is nonexistent because there is no separation between it.
Ideal adapted from Herman Hesse's Siddhartha.

The new Siddhartha felt deep love for this flowing waters and decided that he would not leave it again so quickly”(Hesse 81). 

Dream land



Eudes de Santana


You loved sunset strip when it sparkled

 You grew up and it sparkled. 

Retro nature

Pretty little things

The 90's

I thank my lucky star every day I was a 90s baby , because say I was born ten years later I can honestly say I wouldn't feel the same way about music. By no means was this the decade of the BEST music because of course it still had your typical boy bands and groups of chicks who think that a really annoying voice and a nearly naked body will gain them respect in the music industry. I am talking about the timeless alternative rock round. We had Third eye blind who's music eloquently told stories of urban decay but there sound was always different than what you'd expect it to be when knowing the actual meaning behind it, which I believe is part of their allure. Along with Oasis , Matchbox 20 , The cranberries ,The red Hot chili peppers with their unmistakable sound, The counting crow, U2 and obviously gaining momentum Coldplay. The amount of single female artists was absurd as well , Alanis and Sarah Mclaughlin could still stand alone today. The point is , I feel sorry for the kids today who have to grow up to the likes of Justin Bieber , who's lyrics lack a soul. I've already establishment my musical identity and the 90's were the greatest platform I could possibly have received


Artistic inspiration

Andy Warhol :World Icon
Great example of a multi-media artist.
"If you want to know all about Andy Warhol, just look at the surface of my paintings and films and me, and there I am. There's nothing behind it."His art says all there is to know about him

"An artist is someone who creates something that people don't need to have"